Step-Up Edger is a new idea for lawn edging. Step-Up Edgers let your lawn mower do the weed-eating as it rolls along the lower level of the Step-Up Edgers.
Step-Up Edgers have a wide 6 inch base that make them stable and superior to the old "Bullet" edgers, steel and plastic edging products.
Step-Up Edgers have a tongue and groove interlock that additionally stabilizes the units by tying them together. Additional stability of your Step-Up edger project can be achieved by using retaining wall adhesive to glue the Step-Up edger units together.
You will not have planting bed mulch or rocks sucked into your lawn mower because mulch or rock landscaping is held safely behind the higher level of the Step-Up Edgers.
Additionally, Step-UP Edgers can be used as an edging stone for sidewalks and other projects built with pavers. The 2 3/8 inch step-up of each level of the Step-Up Edgers is the same height as standard pavers.

Step-Up Edger is a three part system that has straight units, plus inside and outside curve units, to make serpentine borders for whatever project you have. Four curve units allow a 90 degree turn. The curve units can be mixed with straight units to make curves of any size you desire. Also, Step-Up Edgers can be easily cut with a Skill Saw outfitted with a masonry blade to make square corners and other special units. Sixteen Step-Up Edger "outside curve" units make a 30 inch, inside, diameter for tree rings.
Learn more. See the rest of our web site showing the individual units, their size and our brochure showing applications and installation information. Photos of new Step-Up Edger jobs are included too.